I know we are already 11 days into the new year so this post is coming on the later side but since we still have 354 days to go until we are once again ringing in the new year I figure it’s still worth posting my 2015 goals.
- Run 4 races this year. I’m already registered for one (and I’m currently training for it) and I have plans for registering for the other three in the upcoming weeks/months.
- Focus on strength training. In the past I have been all over the place when it comes to workouts. Sometimes I am really into yoga, other times bootcamp style workouts and (most of the time) just simply running or other forms of cardio. This year I want to focus more on strength training because I know that it will help me shed those baby weight pounds that I am holding on to.
- Focus on eating clean. I know this is cliche (along with the goals above) but it is one of my goals. December was a bad month for us and I’m ready to get back on track. I love to eat healthy but sometimes it is so easy not to eat quite as well either. This year is about focusing on lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Get outside at least once per day. Being a stay-at-home parent living (temporarily) in the burbs it’s really easy to go days without leaving the house. My goal for 2015 is to get out everyday with the kids for at least 20 minutes rain or shine. Last week we were outside most everyday (I actually just committed to this goal on this past Thursday) I can already see a difference when it comes to how I feel and how the kids feel. The outdoors is a amazing thing.
- Spend more time on me. I spend 90% of my time focused on my kids, my husband, and my house or projects and not as much time on myself. This year I know that needs to change and that I have to take care of myself to take care of my family. That means:
- Getting my haircut semi-regularly.
- Working towards a regular skincare routine.
- Taking bubble baths.
- Getting at least 2 massages.
- Buy makeup and clothes to help me feel more confident and motivated.
- Spend more time with friends. We spend most of our time doing things as a family of four and while that is wonderful I know that I need to focus more on my friendships with other women (who aren’t online). Neil gets out 1-2x per month to do something with one of his guy friends and honestly I have only been out by myself 6 times since December 2012. Yes I actually counted. Honestly there is a lot of stress for me around going out alone because of pumping a bottle for Alder (there is an entire blog post dedicated to this over on Naturally Family) so I often chose not to just because of this. The thing is however I know I need to and that it is healthy for me to do so, so this is the year. My plan is to get out with a girlfriend at least every 6 weeks in 2015.
- Go out on regular dates. Neil and I haven’t been out on a date without a child since….? April? May? Anyways if it’s been so long that I can’t remember it’s been too long – am I right? Anyways we have finally hit a wall and know that we need to get out for regular date nights. That we need a few hours every month away from our children because it’s important for our relationship. Last week I signed us up for a SitterCity account but I have still yet to find a sitter who is up for watching an infant – whomp whomp. It’s hard when all of your friends have children of their own to watch and no family nearby and no one to help recommend a sitter in the area (trust me I’ve asked and most people we know have a family member who watches their kids). Anyways this months mission is to find a babysitter and then schedule regular monthly date nights.
- Get organized. We have so much stuff. It honestly gives me anxiety when I see how much stuff we have so this year it’s about pairing down and getting organized. I am working on focusing on one cupboard, box, or room everyday in order to help achieve this goal. With two kids and a so many other obligations this list seems to only get longer but Neil and I are working on it.
- Read 12 books (that are not children’s books or cookbook’s). Last year I think I read 4 non-children’s or cookbook’s so this year I want to read one new book per month. This month I have already read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I’m moving on to Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time by Brigid Shulte for my January motivational book for the SarahOhm.com Blogger Book Club 2015
I am sure I could come up with about 10 more goals but I’ll stop here. I am thinking about sharing monthly goals starting in February with a follow up each month on how my goals went – thoughts?
What are you goals or what is on your to do list in 2015?
I want to focus more on myself too (in a much needed way, not a selfish way which I think you totally get!). I totally want to work on my skincare also! I want to “green” my products more and make sure I get in a good routine that leaves my face and body happy! Good luck with the goals. I really like them!