Currently. 7.10.14


Doing: Nesting. Yeah surprise, surprise! I’m 37 weeks pregnant and full on nesting mode. I over did it a bit yesterday with the cleaning and I can’t wait until I can bend over multiple times and not need a break every 20 minutes. Basically I am getting everything ready for baby #2’s arrival which at this point could be anytime now.

Thinking about: How many things I need to do before this baby arrives and also thinking about life after birth. We are moving in August (I know perfect timing, eh?) to just a new bigger home that is closer to Neil so not a huge move but alas it’s still a move with a toddler and a newborn.  I am also really thinking about postpartum fitness and diet since I’m going to be honest I have been indulging a little too much the past few weeks.

Watching: Lots of YouTube videos – even as I write that it seems pretty strange to me but that’s what I have been doing. Also catching up on a few years worth of Covert Affairs which I am happy to say gets better and better.   

Looking forward to: The weekend! This has been a long week and we have so much to do still before this baby arrives so I am looking forward to having Neil home to help get things done and to catch up on a bunch of work that I am behind on.

Reading: I haven’t really been reading anything besides lots of children’s books to Edith. I started The Book Thief but I just couldn’t fully get into it.

Loving: berries. fans (it’s ridiculously hot here). family time with Edith and Neil.  

As always this post is inspired by Sometimes Sweet.

One Comment

  1. I know moving will be hard, but at least you’re moving into a bigger spot. Can’t wait to see!! And hope this baby gets there safely!! I’m excited for the gender and name reveal!!

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