- This week has been the longest week. How is it ONLY Thursday? Has it been dragging for you as well?
- I have to go get our car serviced today which should be fun since it’s on the other side of town (where we used to live) and it’s right at Edith’s naptime.
- On a positive note I will be able to go to my favorite Whole Foods that is by our old apartment. Tell me I’m not the only one that gets excited about going grocery shopping.
- Sunday Neil will (hopefully) be done with a huge work project that has consumed his days and nights. Then it’s three more days of work and then we are free for an nice long weekend!
- We’ll probably have something Asian for Thanksgiving.
- Edith woke up last night screaming which continued on for another 10-15 minutes and neither of us can figure out what the reasoning was. Maybe a night terror? Anyways she is happy as can be this morning and Neil and I are zombies.
- Neil and I have a date night on Saturday and we have no idea what to do. We are so used to doing everything as a family and since we generally don’t sensor ourselves from doing things that aren’t “kid friendly” with Edith a date night sometimes just seems weird. So now we are trying to figure out just what we will do.
- I am finishing up my last week of Michelle Bridges 12WBT and things have been going well. I’ll be sharing my experience with you this weekend.
- I need to go for a nice (short) run.
What are your Thursday Thoughts?