I have been meaning to do this for years and I finally sat down and did it. Here is my list of 100 things I want to do before you turn 100. Otherwise known as a “bucket list”.
1. Buy an Airstream or something similar.
2. Travel to all 50 states.
3. Take a romantic trip with my husband for our 25 wedding anniversary.
4. Run a half-marathon.
5. Run a race in 10 different states.
6. Practice yoga on a beach.
7. Take Edith on an overnight hike.
8. Go on a two night backpacking trip.
9. Go snowboarding at Mount Hood.
10. Become a postpartum doula.
11. Complete my baby wearing educator certification.
12. Become a birth doula.
13. Become a child birth educator.
14. Practice yoga everyday for one year.
15. Run 1,000 miles in a year.
16. Write a cookbook.
17. Travel to Spain (again) and show Neil all of the places I love.
18. Buy a house.
19. Visit the Portland Art Museum.
20. Go on one date per month with Neil for an entire year.
21. Watch all of the Godfather Movies.
22. Visit Disneyland.
23. Learn French.
24. Visit Ireland.
25. Run a 10k.
26. Write a book (not a cookbook).
27. Move to Montreal.
28. Ride in a hot-air balloon.
29. Pay off my student loan debt.
30. Skydive.
31. Visit all seven continents.
32. Dine at Candle 79.
33. Become a midwife.
34. Become a placenta encapsulation specialist
35. Run a mile in less than 8 minutes.
36. Run a sub 27 min 5k.
37. Run the Disney Princess Half Marathon.
38. Run the Wine and Dine Half Marathon.
39. Do the Goofy Challenge.
40. Become a yoga instructor.
41. Go for a hike in the Grand Canyon.
42. Visit the Red Wood Forest.
43. Have six months of living expenses saved.
44. Run Hood To Coast.
45. Run a Ragnar Relay.
46. Run the Vermont relay 100 on 100.
47. Float in the Dead Sea.
48. Put a piece of bubble gum on the Gum Wall in Seattle.
49. Try hot yoga.
50. Attend Wanderlust Tahoe.
51. Make homemade ice cream.
52. Become a good photographer.
53. Visit Germany.
54. Attend a Portland Timbers Game.
55. Go to a World Series Game (when the Yankees are playing).
56. Attend SXSW.
57. See Chuck Ragan live.
58. Visit Vancouver, BC.
59. Spend a child free weekend at The Essex.
60. Have a second child.
61. Travel to Wawa, Ontario (and visit Emma & Derek if they still live there).
62. Vacation on Lake Superior.
63. Tailgate.
64. Play a round of golf.
65. Become fluent in Spanish.
66. Adopt a dog.
67. Reach my “happy weight”.
68. Gamble in Vegas.
69. Visit the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
70. Become a NASM certified personal trainer.
71. Visit a Trappist brewery in Europe.
72. Go to a resort in Bali.
73. Write for a magazine.
74. Byline in a healthy living magazine.
75. Byline in a parenting magazine.
76. Try Barre3.
77. Complete the entire Long Trail.
78. Visit all Canadian Provinces.
79. Go for a run in Central Park.
80. Brew my own beer.
81. Have a professional massage once per month for an entire year.
82. Take a cake decorating class.
83. Speak at a conference.
84. Go Wine tasting in Oregon.
85. See Eberts ‘102 Movies You Must See’
86. Watch all Best Picture nominees prior to the Oscars.
87. Host a huge Oscar party.
88. Make a vegan creme brulee
89. Eat every meal at home for a month.
90. Audition for The Amazing Race.
91. Visit Crater Lake.
92. Spend the weekend at the beach in Newport, Or.
93. Take a photo next to the Goonies House.
94. Spend the night in a Yurt.
95. Go fruit picking along the Hood River County Fruit Loop.
96. Hike to the top of Multnomah Falls.
97. Go camping at Acadia National Park.
98. Make pickled green beans.
99. Knit a pair of slippers.
100. Kiss the Blarney Stone.
What’s on your bucket list?
P.S. this was harder than I thought it was going to be!
Awesome list!! And I love that so many of these things would be on my list too, I knew I liked you for good reaons
I enjoyed this! You’ve inspired me to write one for myself.