Over the past year, and especially the last three months, I have two often used Edith as an excuse for not working out.
I’m too tired because Edith was up all night.
I’m too dehydrated because Edith nursed all night.
It’s too hot to take Edith out in the BOB.
It’s too rainy to take Edith out in the BOB.
Edith needs to nap. Edith needs to eat. Edith…
You get the point.
As I read all these excuses I realize just how lame them really are.
The reality is I have been making excuses because I’ve been lazy. Since mid-May I have lost my workout motivation and although all of the above were true at the time, I was tired, dehydrated and it was hot or rainy but it really is no excuse. And the absolute truth of the matter is that I SHOULD be using Edith as a reason TO WORKOUT.
I want to be a good example for Edith. I know she is watching everything I do and I have to show her the importance of working out, taking care of yourself and living a healthy lifestyle. I need to lead her by example to make healthy choices as she grows up. So I am making the choice today and from this day forward to use Edith as a reason to workout and not an excuse not to.
Q: What is your biggest not going to workout excuse?
Oh my gosh, this is so me right now. I’m really struggling to get motivated. I like how you were able to turn it around into your reason TO exercise, I hope I can soon too 🙂
Lindsay Ingalls
It is a huge challenge and it has taken me awhile to finally admit to myself that I’m just full of excuses. If you want a workout check in buddy I’m always here!