Can you believe it is already July? I never even got around to posting my June goals last month, oops! Well here we are July and I have a busy month ahead of me. My parents are currently on their way across the country to visit for a few weeks, Edith turns one (!!!), my cousin is coming for a quick visit on her way to CA, and we are headed to a wedding in Virginia. So many things going on this month so I have to be smart about my goals.
July Goals
- Keep up with Best Body Bootcamp. The one thing I have been lacking in my workout routine is a consistent strength training routine and since starting BBB I feel like I am finally getting back on track. I really feel like it has made a difference in losing the postpartum weight as well. As most of you know I have been really struggling in that department and I plan to write a post on this soon; that being said lets move on to goal #2.
- Create an editorial calendar. I know I should have done this already but I haven’t so I am hoping that with two extra sets of hands around that I will have time to do so this week. I have so many post ideas but have had my hands full with an active life and baby.
- Eat more plants. I have been really going for the grains, beans, and other starchy foods (and sweets). I really need to get back to regular plant eating! I am glad that we will have our Organics to You box coming weekly now instead of bi-weekly. That being said I also need to continue to drink less coffee, eat less sugar and drink more water.
- Unplug more often. I didn’t read any books last month which is really not great so this month I want to unplug and read more. I also want to unplug more because it is so easy to constantly be checking various social media accounts and email all day long when I am home and really I need to be a better example to Edith.
- Track all my food and fitness. I used to use My Fitness Pal all the time and it was really helpful for me to keep myself on track but it’s been months since I last touched it until today. I am hoping that by keeping a running tally of food and exercise that I will be able to improve my diet and fitness levels.
I can think of about five more things I’d like to do this month but since I will be on the run all month I think five is a good goal. What are your goals for the month?
Unplugging is a good one. I need my hubby to do this too. He works LOOOONG days and then comes home and is constantly answering emails or sending summaries of lessons he did that day. My goal is to get to the lib this month so I can get some vegan cookbooks and make tons of freezer-friendly things