Best Body Bootcamp: Week 1


Yesterday marked the start of this summer’s Best Body Bootcamp (BBB) and I am so ready to get back in shape. I have been kind of lazy lately. Yeah, I said it LAZY. I don’t know why but after training for my last race I have just been feeling unmotivated and my workouts have been basically 1-2 short runs, 1 strength training session and 3-5 walks per week. Nothing to intense and to top it off I have more races coming up in early August so I need to get my act together.

When I found out that there was a bootcamp session this summer I decided to jump at the opportunity to work with Tina and be apart of the BBB community. This was just the support and motivation that I needed to get back on track and reach my goals. Also after going clothes shopping and finding clothes that once looked good on me just didn’t work I was feeling even more motivated to get back to my dedicated workout self. Side note: I bought a dress for a wedding at the end of July and it’s my goal to look great in it versus the okay that I look in it right now.

Yesterday I did the fit test which was actually somewhat embarrassing and alone is motivation to get myself back to work because honestly I have never run so slow in my life. Back before I was pregnant I could do a straight mile about 5 minutes faster (and without the BOB) versus right now. I also could hold a plank longer than 45 seconds. So I have a lot to work towards and it feels good. I also want to lose inches. I am not so worried about the weight number but I’d like to get more toned. I am almost a year postpartum and I’m so ready to get back to my old body or at least closer to it. Although I will probably have another year or two before that happens due to breastfeeding (my goal is to breastfeed until at least two). I’ll share my weight-loss while breastfeeding issues in another post soon.

So while I’m not up for sharing my numbers (weight, measurements, etc) with you I will share a before picture. I will also share progress photos at 4 weeks (half way) and then at 8 weeks when the program is complete.


Who else is participating in BBB? Or have you before? 

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