I really feel like this past month I dropped the ball on accomplishing the majority of my goals. Honestly, I look back now and I wonder what DID I do all month? I mean I know I made dinners at home for us the majority of nights, went running, spent quality time with my family and spent my days trying to convince Edith that her Sophie was more fun to chew on than empty toilet paper rolls and receipts (she’s still not convinced).
However, I made a list of goals that well lets just review them and you’ll see.
April Goals:
1. Read one new book. ACCOMPLISHED! Yes I did indeed read a new book this month. I was actually hoping to read it in time for my moms group book club meet up but I started it a week before the meet up which was like 3 weeks ago and I finished the book April 30th, needless to say I didn’t make the meet up. I read Wild by Cheryl Strayed and honestly it is one of the best books I have ever read. It is about one young women’s journey on the Pacific Crest Trail. It is absolutely amazing and now I want to go back packing- has anyone gone with a baby?
2. Run/Walk/Bike 100 Miles. So I didn’t accomplish this. Honestly, I was a bit naive to think that I would. Did you know 100 miles is a lot? Well it is. Especially when you don’t have a bike. I ended up completing 81.03 miles of running and walking. It could have been more but I skipped a few runs, didn’t get out of long enough walks and ended up being sick the last few days of the challenge. You know what though? I am proud of myself for completing that many miles because let me tell you it was a challenge.
3. Write 5 freelance articles. I only wrote one. Not impressed.
4. Use one of my cookbooks each week. I ended up only using two recipe books. I guess that is better than none?
5. Finish unpacking. I don’t want to talk about it. #FAIL.
6. Return calls and e-mails to friends. I did return a number of emails although I’m behind again now. I also called some friends which was great because I ended up learning that my BFF had decided to run off to India for 3 months with her beau.
7. Write 8 new recipes this month. Zip. Zero. Nada. Yeah I didn’t write any recipes this month. I did a lot of home cooked throw together meals this month or followed recipes in the books I did actually use. (Side note after 14 months my freelance recipe writing job has been put on hold.)
8. Spend more time at home. We have only been practicing this the past two weeks but I am already starting to see improvements around the house, as well as we are skipping less weekend workouts which is important. I am hoping that we can keep this up.
Coming up May Goals.
I say good on you girl. We are about the same age, and when I think about my friends with babies who are our age, I just am so impressed with how they keep it together! I think I should take a page out of your book and make some monthly goals. Even if all of them don’t get accomplished, it will still be an improvement. One of mine for sure needs to be blogging more. Keep up the good work.
PS: If I had tried to do last month’s challenge without a bike I would have gotten no where NEAR 80 miles. Color me impressed.