Since I finally posted a postpartum update Wednesday I figured it was finally time to do another Becoming My Own Client goals update. I haven’t really been focusing in on my goals the past month so this will be good for me to refresh and refocus on them. So lets review the goals:
Goal #1: Lose Weight. I’d like to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight by October 2013. As I said in Wednesdays post I haven’t weighed myself in a few months so I am not sure what my weight is and how far off it is from my pre-pregnancy weight but by the way I look and how clothes fit I feel like I am (slowly) losing the weight.
Goal #2: Increase my Energy. and Goal #3: Break my sugar craving. and Goal #5 eat less gluten. and Goal #7 eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and raw meals. I have done very well with all of these goals, but of course there is always room for improvement. I just completed a 10-day cleanse and I have to say it was just what I needed to break my sugar cravings and my energy has definitely started to increase.
Goal #4 Improve sleep. I haven’t been doing as great in this department. Edith has taken to staying up later and is a busy body all day long so I am making up work time at night which means I’m not going to bed until 10/10:30 which I know for many of you is early but for me it is super late. On the flip side Edith has been sleeping better at night so that means less wake ups for me.
Goal #6 is to increase the intensity of my workouts. While things have improved in the consistency of my workouts I am still working on increasing the intensity. Any suggestions?
How are you doing with your goals?
Being a work-at-home mom with a 2 year old, I find that it’s a fine balance between getting work done, spending time with my son, preparing fresh and healthy meals for my family and getting much-needed exercise in. That being said, this leaves very little room for a tidy house…lol. The best advice is to not just focus on doing more intense exercises, but to do a variety of different workouts in order to keep your body guessing. Look up short (but very efficient) tabata videos on youtube, download a variety of workout videos and do a different each day…this week, I did Jillian Michael’s kettlebell workout, her shred it with weights video, Bob Harper’s Inside Out Method, Tracey Anderson’s Metamorphosis and I ran outside. This not only confuses your muscles, which leads to improved overall conditioning, it prevents you from getting bored. And these are usually done when Sam has his nap or as soon as my husband gets home.
I only have my goals posted on my blog right now, but I definitely need to write them out somewhere so that I actually do them! I have some I think about daily, but others that I forget about – not good!!! I should definitely get back to them because they’re not going to get accomplished if I’m not actively pursuing them!