Goal #6 is one that I am finding to be the most challenging.
When I was making my plans for postpartum fitness (back before I actually had a baby) I had these grand plans of run/walking the half marathon that I had signed up for (before I knew I was pregnant). I thought that around 4-6 weeks I would doing low intensity workouts and even start run/walking. By eight weeks I would be back to consistent running and attending a weekly postpartum yoga class and of course getting out for daily 2-3 mile walks with Edith. Here we are at almost 20 weeks postpartum and I have been on five runs and the only yoga classes I have attended are baby yoga and I don’t think taking three deep breaths and sounding ‘om’ once counts as yoga practice.
The only workout I was consistently doing were walks with Edith which occur 4-6 times per week and are usually 1-1.5 miles; so not exactly what I had hoped but it’s something. Then about four weeks ago I started Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp and although I feel like it has helped me to get back into a better routine I know that I haven’t been doing the workouts to the fullest. I know I have a million excuses but it is really challenging to fit workouts in with a demanding 4.5 month old and a husband who works long hours. At this point I am able to 10-20 minutes at a time and some days that’s all I can fit in.
Goal #6 is going to take some time and dedication to accomplish. It is also going to involve working out a better plan with my husband so that both of us have adequate time to workout 4-6 times per week. Right now my fitness intensity is around a 2 and I’d really like it to be at more of a 6 while I am still breastfeeding.
Speaking of breastfeeding that is also a factor that is making fitness a challenge. I have been having issues with my supply (that’s for another post over on Naturally Family) and so I have to be mindful of the intensity of my workouts as well as making sure I am eating adequate calories and staying hydrated. As you can see this goal faces a number of obstacles, however these are all obstacles that I know I can work through to get myself to the fitness level that I once was, and who knows maybe even increase that level.
So now is the time when I talk about the action steps that I am going to take to actually accomplish Goal #6
- Make time. I know that I could make more time to workout. This means I need to sit down and compare schedules with Neil so that we both have time carved out for our own fitness activities. I know that I could do earlier morning workouts or even late night but I don’t. It’s so easy to sink into the couch after putting E to bed, especially after a particularly long day and/or night. On the other hand if I do my workout instead of sinking in I know that I will be able to help myself to have more energy to make it through those tough days, so as much as I dread an early or late workout it’s either that or some mediocre workout that I try to fit in between playing, feeding, and changing diapers.
- Try out 24 Hour Fitness. Down the road from us is a 24 Hour Fitness gym and often you can get free trial memberships. I think it’s time for me to try it out and see if I can make it work because getting out of the house, away from the baby, the computer and household chores may be just what I need to get back to my fit self. Why haven’t I done it yet? Well honestly it kind of frightens me. It’s in a strip mall, I would have to go early in the morning or late at night and who knows who is at the gym at that time and I really hate going to the gym alone but I have no one to go with me (I know suck it up and do it).
- TBD. More steps to be determined as I go along.
Do you struggle with balancing life and workouts? Do you have any suggestions?
I go to 24 hour fitness (in California, but I thought I’d throw my 2 cents in anyway
) and I’ve found the best time to go is early morning. I’m usually there by 5:30AM and I’ve found the lack of creepers at that hour refreshing. The vast majority of the people there are there because they are dedicated to getting a workout, not standing around and posing for each other/the mirror, and it is almost always the same group of folks, so you can get to know the people who are at the gym with you, if only by sight. It’s definitely not my first choice for getting exercise in my day, but it is by far the most convenient and the way I know that I will be consistent.
Good luck finding your groove again!