This week our CSA was a little less greens heavy and a little more veggie heavy which I am happy about. I love my greens but due to the heat last week they didn’t last very long which meant rather than getting cooked up or put in a salad they were juiced.
This weeks share:
Red Bibb Lettuce
Dino Kale
I haven’t experimented with kohlrabi that much but in the past we have had it raw in salads, cooked up in stir fries and in this root vegetable curry dish.
Snap Peas
Garlic Scapes
I love to make pesto with garlic scapes and I plan on making a nice big batch tomorrow.
Recipes: Zucchini Pesto Quinoa Pie | Baked Green Tomatoes with Cashew-Pea Pesto
Garlic Scape Pesto Pasta with Zucchini
Summer Squash
I am a huge fan of summer squash. I like to keep it simple and just saute or roast with a little olive oil, salt and pepper but sometimes I like to get a little more creative and make dishes like my recipe for my Italian Almond Tart
Recipe: Cucumber & Tomato Salad with Balsamic Shallot Reduction
Green Garlic
Check out our goodies from previous weeks: Week 1
If you haven’t stop over to our family blog, Naturally Family, then head over now and Meet The Family. This week we have been discussing my pregnancy ups and downs, pregnancy eats, buying for baby on a budget, attachment parenting and a so much more. Also don’t forget to enter the baby pool– will BabyRWT be a boy or a girl?
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what a great box! those snap peas——yummmm!!
mmm, red bibb is a fave of mine and i was so excited to get a nice big head of it in my csa this week too! i normally don’t share links in other peoples comment sections, but i made such a yummy kohlrabi salad last summer with cukes & grapefruit that you might enjoy trying too
Your share looks very yummy. Wow you got a lot of nice things. I love fresh veggies and have been eating
a lot of them.
Everything looks so pretty, fresh and green! I love this post ^-^