CSA Week 1

Today marks the first week of our CSA and I am so excited to show you our goodies and hopefully a few recipes over the next week. This year we decided to do a different CSA, unlike ones in the past where we sign up and get whatever they have to give us that week, we actually get to choose our produce. On Sunday night we can log-in into the CSA website and choose 10 items from the list they provide.

This week we chose to get:

Dino Kale

Red Kale

Green Kale

Rainbow Chard


Lettuce, but requested cucumbers (more on that below)


Snap Peas

Summer Squash


We had originally requested cucumbers but since it was most likely a popular item we didn’t end up getting our first choice and were given our second choice of more greens- in this case lettuce.  The other great thing about our CSA is that after you make your choices you can purchase additional items (if available).

The plan for our CSA goodies is to saute or roast the zucchini and summer squash, saute the snap peas in a recipe and cook up or juice the greens.

Are you participating in a summer CSA?



  1. So many greens! I’ve always wanted to try dinosaur kale, not only because I love kale, but because the name is awesome, but I can never find it! I’ll have to see if there’s a pick-and-choose CSA in the DC area.

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