{Pregnancy Update} Week 26

{insert photo here <–forgot to take one & now I’m in my PJ’s}

How far along are you: 26 Weeks

How big is the baby: The network of nerves in your baby’s ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner’s as you chat with each other. He’s inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he’s born and takes that first gulp of air. And he’s continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel. If you’re having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum — a trip that will take about two to three days. (source)

Baby’s Gender: Still don’t know but this week things have taken a twist…I think it could be a girl! I have been dreaming more about our baby and it is always a girl.  So now I’m more confused than ever.

Baby’s Name: We have decided on a boys name and I think we have decided on a girls name, or at least we are almost there.

Weight Gained: 16lbs

Did you know? I weighed 8lbs 3oz at birth and Neil was 9lbs 6oz *update* I was as little freaked out by Neil’s baby weight but he was 1.5 weeks late = more time to gain weight.

Clothes:  No new clothes. Actually going back to my winter maternity clothes for the most part.

How are you feeling: I am feeling really tired this week.

What do you miss: I am missing running, going out for drinks with Hubz and energy.

Symptoms: Tired.

Cravings: Chips and guacamole. Pesto. Salad.

How are you sleeping: This week I have been sleeping okay but have been waking up in the middle of the night which is no fun.

Workouts: This week I got in a number of walks and pre-natal yoga.

Sacred Pregnancy by Anni Daulter

*Catching up? You can read my post on Sacred Pregnancy over on NAB Communities WELLNESS.

Last Week–>Week 25- Love Reflection:Last week’s focus was to show my body love by doing something such as get a massage, put your feet up and relax, practice your kegel exercises and to write a love letter to yourself this week! Encourage yourself to work through any places where you feel stuck this week! I actually didn’t write myself a love letter but I did practice my kegel exercises (I’m doing some right now), I put my feet up and relaxed and I scheduled a pregnancy massage for tomorrow.

This Week–> Sacred Pregnancy Week 26: Earth Energy

This week’s focus: – Spend time with Mother Earth, in nature, touching the trees, collecting fallen leaves, and letting your feet be bare upon her back.

– Draw a picture of a nature spot that reminds you of being grounded, a place that you can draw from when you need a quiet place in your mind to visit, perhaps during your labor.


Instagram Date Night at El Cortijo

Neil and I have always made date night a priority of ours but ever since we found out that we are expecting it has become even more important.  We are trying to savor the last moments of our life as a family of two, while we prepare and get excited for our future as a family of three. Lately we have been trying to come up with ideas for date night that are things that are more challenging to do with a baby and last night was dining at a new small restaurant, El Cortijo. Now the restaurant wasn’t anything fancy and it was pretty kid friendly but the space is super limited and unless you can secure a booth there is no where to put a baby.

We looked over the menu and quickly asked about the vegan options and were directed to the taco special minus the crema and the vegan taco which was on the menu. We also ordered chips with salsa and guacamole, something I have been craving for weeks. The salsa was nice and fresh and the guacamole was the perfect balance of creamy and chunky.

To go along with our meal Neil ordered a beer and I lusted over the margaritas but ultimately ordered a Rookies Ginger Beer.

We munched on chips and chatted for awhile about work, the baby and our day before finally diving into the tacos, which of course we ate based on the instructions on the menu.

We both ordered one of the specials which had kale and quinoa on it and the vegan Camote taco which was filled with
organic sweet potatoes, braised kale, guajillo salsa, pepitas.  The Camote was our favorite-so good!

Following our dinner we headed over to Baby Gap to take advantage of the sale and picked up a few things for Bebe.  Then we headed home to relax before bed.

The End.

WIAW: Pizza You Can’t Get Enough Of

It’s Wednesday so it you know what that means! Unfortunately pregnancy brain has kicked in lately and I forgot to photograph my breakfast yesterday. What you missed was a spinach bagel with tofutti and tons of veggies-it was amazing. To go along with it I had a 1/3 caf and 2/3 decaf coffee and lots of water.

 For lunch I enjoyed marinated tofu with sesame noodles, tomatoes, cucumbers and red bell peppers.

and then I snacked on one of these delicious new granola bars from Nature’s Path. I picked up the Macaroon Crunch and Apple Pie flavors and both are amazing. I love that they are low in sugar and have 3g of protein and 3g of fiber.

I also snacked on a banana with almond butter and raisins before I headed to yoga class.

 Dinner was the star of the show- we had pita pizzas with parsley-pumpkin seed pesto, white beans, mushrooms and tomatoes.  I had to restrain myself from eating the second one I made for our lunches today.  I served these up with a green salad with Briannas French Vinaigrette. Recipe to come for Pita Pizza.

I topped our pizzas with this sample I received of Parmela– Parmesan cheese replacer. TheHubz and I both enjoyed the Parmela my only complaints were that the holes were way to small on the sprinkle side of the cap and compared to other vegan parms it was a little dry, but still very tasty.

What did you eat this Wednesday?

Also I will leave you with a photo of this cutie…

Monday Meal Plan: Sandwich Mania

This week is all about the sandwiches, from bagel to wrap and everything in between. Why might you ask are we going sandwich crazy? Well honestly it’s been one of my cravings lately and secondly I am working some new fun, quick and easy spring/summer recipes for the blog.

What’s on the menu this week:


Cinnamon Raisin Bagels with Sliced Banana, Almond Butter and a honey

Oatmeal with fruit and nuts


T: Falafel Pita Sandwich with Yogurt-Herb Spread

W: Marinated Tempeh, Lettuce and Tomato Sandwich with Mashed Avocado Spread

Th: Pan Fried Tofu and veggie slaw wrap with tahini sauce

F: Chickpea Salad Sandwich


M: Falafel Pita Sandwich with Yogurt-Herb Spread

T: Pita Pizzas with cherry tomatoes, walnut-parsley pesto and white beans

W: Pan Fried Tofu and veggie slaw wrap with tahini sauce

Th: Open Faced Chickpea Salad Sandwiches with tomato and red onion

F: Burrito Bowls with beans, rice and veggies

What’s on your menu this week?