Monday Meal Plan: 4/16/12

Happy Monday! For once I actually completed and shopped for my meals for the week a day early, however had we not been out of food for dinner last night I probably would have been working on my meal plan and shopping today. It feels great though to be able to head straight home from work without stopping at the market, especially on a beautiful day like today!
This week I decided to change things up a bit, instead of working on new recipes I decided to let someone else do the work for me and I am trying out a number of recipes from Raw & Beyond and trying out a new recipe from one of my old favorite cookbooks Therapeutic Chef. I love working on new recipes but this week is busy and we are heading away for the weekend so I decided to keep things easy.
Sunday: Lunch- Field Roast Sausage and Broccoli Pesto Pizza (on homemade crust by my baker husband) and for Dinner we had Fancy Pants Tempeh Salad with lots of veggies, chipotle-balsamic tempeh and potato wedges. Dessert- Dates stuffed with a little almond butter and mini-chocolate chips
Monday: Lunch- Brown Rice Wraps with lettuce, tomato and leftover chipotle-balsamic tempeh with a side of kiwi and sweet potato chips. Dinner- Chipotle Tostadas from Raw & Beyond
Tuesday: Lunch- Leftovers with fruit and Ranch Kale chips from Raw & Beyond. Dinner- Steamed veggies from Raw & Beyond with beans and rice.
Wednesday: Lunch- Leftovers with fruit and kale chips. Dinner- Lentil Dahl Wraps from Therapeutic Chef
Thursday: Lunch- Leftovers with fruit and kale chips or granola bar. Dinner- Fire-Roasted Tomato-Lentil Chile from Raw & Beyond with brown rice
Friday: Lunch- Leftovers in burrito form with fruit and granola bar. Dinner- OUT! We head to Maine Friday afternoon for the weekend Wahoo!
Saturday: OUT!
Sunday: OUT! …Dinner- TBD
What is on your plan this week?
Catching up? I just posted our Weekend Wrap check it out! Also if you are looking for a new recipe check cout my Cucumber & Tomato Salad recipe over on my coaching blog.