How far along are you: 28 Weeks
How big is the baby: TBy this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She’s also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. (source)
Baby’s Gender: I’m back on the I think it’s a boy train.
Baby’s Name: We have our boy and we pretty much have our girl.
Weight Gained: 17.5 lbs
Clothes: Time to get some new ones this weekend! I have non-maternity that still fit, some early maternity that also fit but it is time to get a few last items for the remainder of the pregnancy.
How are you feeling: I am feeling pretty good but I am definitely feeling tired out.
What do you miss: Running. Sprouts.
Symptoms: Aches and pains.
Cravings: Curry. Grinders. Lemonade.
How are you sleeping: Hips are sore when I sleep, waking up all the time to pee and so thirsty.
Workouts: This week I did lots of walking and went to yoga.
Things I’m looking forward to: Getting away with Neil this weekend! We are headed to Maine for our last pre-baby getaway and I can’t wait! My baby shower in June. Starting birthing classes in two weeks.
Things I’m not looking forward to: My glucose test next Wednesday.
What I’ve Been Wearing:
Maternity Fashion: First and Second Trimester
1. Cropped Denim Jacket |2. Jeggings | 3. Faux Wrap Dress | 4. Toms | 5. Scarf | 6. Wrap Jacket
Sacred Pregnancy by Anni Daulter
Last Week–>Week 27: Air Energy: This week was intended to focus on breath meditation something I made time for every day this week. It also was a time to reflect on my thoughts and fears about giving birth and becoming a mother. What are the thoughts that have you up at night in regard to becoming a mother and giving birth? My fears include not making it to the birthing center (it’s 60 minutes away), having a giant baby and being in active labor for many hours. Currently one of my fears that isn’t about becoming a mother or giving birth is not passing my glucose test which is next week-eek!
This Week–> Sacred Pregnancy Week 28: Fire Energy
This Week’s focus: Are you confident that you know what you want for this pregnancy and birth? If you are not, take the time to get clear and journal about your confusion. When you are ready to really direct your will and intention, the universe will be ready to hear it!
You look so cute and like the hair. Looks like a big baby. Glad you are doing well. love ya
Hello! Found your blog through your guest post on Back to Her Roots and I love your weekly pregnancy updates since I’m about 6 weeks behind you. I think we have been wearing the same exact clothes throughout our pregnancy. Today I have on my black skinny jeans, my jean jacket and a tank. Plus, I through in the dress for work. I haven’t tried those Old Navy jeggings. I might have to try them out or would it not be worth at this point?