Good Morning! Hope you are having a great start to your week.
Janetha posted this A-Z survey and so I figured why not do it?
A is for age: 26
B is for breakfast today: Oatmeal with almond butter and banana
C is for currently craving: Asparagus and Chocolate Coconut Ice Cream
D is for dinner tonight: TBD
E is for favorite type of exercise: Running and Yoga

At Wanderlust Vermont
F is for an irrational fear: no idea?
G is for gross food: cheese out of a can- EWWWW
H is for hometown: Colchester/Burlington, VT
I is for something important: My husband.
J is for current favorite jam: Raspberry? or do you mean jam as in song?
K is for kids: We’ve got one on the way!
L is for current location: Burlington, VT
M is for the most recent way you spent money: After vacation pantry/fridge restock!
N is for something you need: I need to clean the t0-be nursery
O is for occupation: Holistic Health Coach, Blogger, Administrative Assistant, Recipe Creator
P is for pet peeve: Leaving cupboards open
Q is for a quote: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ― Hippocrates
R is for random fact about you: I am obsessed with notebooks.
S is for favorite healthy snack: Avocado on Wasa with Sriracha
T is for favorite treat: coconut ice cream
U is for something that makes you unique:
V is for favorite vegetable: asparagus
W is for today’s workout: Hasn’t happened yet but will be pre-natal yoga and/or a long walk
X is for X-rays you’ve had: Um not sure leg, knee, teeth
Y is for yesterday’s highlight: Cleaning off my desk.
Z is for your time zone: Eastern.
Now it’s your turn! If you do this A-Z Survey on your blog come back and leave a comment so I can check it out!
A-Z Meme | Killer Bunnies, Inc
[…] Lindsay posted a fun meme. Thought I’d take a stab. […]