Since I haven’t jumped on and done this survey yet and I have some time to waste I think I will. I’m sure you’ve seen this up on many blogs over the past few days, so heres mine!
Here’s how it works:
- List 11 random things about myself
- Answer the 11 questions Courtney asked other bloggers
- Come up with 11 questions to ask other bloggers
- Tag 11 other bloggers to do this next
11 Random Things About Myself
1. I studied at three universities in three different countries over the course of my academic career. I first went to Spain the summer after high school to study Spanish at Universidad Complutense de Madrid , I then started my first (real) year of university at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, NB, Canada, then I did my second year at Suffolk University in Boston and then I did completed my final two years back at St. Thomas University where I received my B.A. in Political Science with minors in Religious Studies and Human Rights.

At our Metro stop in Madrid
2. Although I had big dreams of working in International Relations I ended up down a totally different path and became a certified health coach.
3. I hate when people leave cupboards open. Seriously my biggest pet peeve.
4. My husband and I met through a mutual friend when I was at school in Boston and we re-met when I returned to Fredericton for my last two years of university. We actually re-met at a bar when I was trying to avoid another guy named Neil, my now husband Neil was my knight in shinning armor.
5. I would love to move out of Vermont in the next year….but where to is another story. Taking suggestions.
6. I am always in bed long before my husband and I always take the cat with me.
7. I still sleep with my blankie from my childhood.
8. Growing up I always made my mom dress and toss my salad, even out at restaurants. Honestly I would still have her do it if I still lived at home.
9. I love to play canasta. Summers after college when I was living at home I would go to painting class with my grandma and then to her seniors meal where we would end the day playing hours of canasta. Yes, I’m an old lady at heart.
10. If a meal is really good (and we are at home) I will lick the plate clean.
11. After months of trying to figure something affordable out Neil and I are actually going on a Babymoon! We are going to Boston for a few days and then flying out to meet my parents in Myrtle Beach where they are renting a condo. We are so excited to get away before the baby comes and neither of us have ever been to Myrtle Beach. I honestly think the only time I can remember going to South Carolina was on our first Disney trip, over 20 years ago, when we drove to Disney from Vermont and stopped at South of the Border.
Questions I have to Answer:
- Are you a morning person or a night owl? morning.
- What’s the one piece of clothing you can’t live without? my lululemon wunder crops
- What is your biggest pet peeve? see #3 above.
- Gum or mints? mints.
- Favorite dessert? berries and chocolate coconut ice cream.
- Do you have tattoos or piercings? i have my ears pierced and i have three tattoos. I also had lip pierced two different times.
- Do you believe in ghosts and/or the afterlife? ghosts yes.
- What’s your worst habit? not putting my laundry away.
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? somewhere in Europe- this Q is too hard.
- What is one thing you miss about being a kid? summer vacations.
- If you had to change your name, what would it be? i wouldn’t.
A New Set of Questions:
Okay since I know that this has gone around quite a bit I’m going to encourage you to answer the questions above. I also am not going to tag anyone since many people have already completed it but if you haven’t yet please complete and come back here and leave me a comment!
I really liked reading this, especially to find out that you went to St. Thomas. Both my brother-in-law and his wife went there for university. They were college sweethearts. They still live in Fredericton. What a small world?