I’ve been waiting all day for the email to come to tell me what will be in our share tomorrow. Once it comes I can finally start planning my menu for the week (which starts on Wednesdays now). Before I reveal what is in our CSA this week lets recap last weeks share.
Follow Up From Week 2:
- Bag of Mesclun Greens- Pink Potato Salad, Dinner Salad
- Beet Greens (baby beets on the ends)- Pink Potato Salad
- Napa Cabbage- Peanutty Napa Cabbage
- Sweet Salad Turnips- Pink Potato Salad, Dinner Salad
- Garlic Scapes- Garlic Scape Pesto Pasta with Zucchini
- Scallions- Pink Potato Salad , Peanutty Napa Cabbage
- Zucchini- Garlic Scape Pesto Pasta with Zucchini
- Easter Egg Radishes- Peanutty Napa Cabbage, Dinner Salad
- Sage- I haven’t used this and on my CSA note it says 2-3 days…so it’s probably no good now.- What do you use sage for?
- Potatoes- Pink Potato Salad, Sunday Morning Breakfast
This Week’s CSA:
- Bag of Mesclun Greens
- Peas
- Baby Pearl Onions
- Zucchini
- Garlic Scapes
- Kale
- Zucchini
- Green Tomatoes
- Red Beets
- Frozen Squash Puree
I see fried green tomatoes on the menu this week!
Any of the herbs (sage) could be dried or chopped and frozen. Sage is great in vegan pot pies and “chikn” noodle soups.
We are having a serious chat re: details on your share. I don’t get that much stuff! Wahhhh! Maybe I’ll switch over to yours after this season!
What have you been getting?