Is the day really almost over?? I feel like I was unable to complete everything I had set out to do today. I guess sometimes life sends you in a different direction than planned! Although I didn’t finish the dishes and I didn’t get a few health coaching projects and blog projects done that I had planned to I did get to spend time with a girl friend, spend over an hour picking out new running shoes and then the Hubz and I had a spontaneous date night.
Today we spent over an hour at Fleet Feet being fitted for the perfect pair of shoes for my feet I finally found a pair! If you have never been fitted for shoes I really recommend that you do because I have spent the last year running/being active in a pair of shoes I chose myself and although they were nice they were just a little off. Once we finished shoe shopping the Hubz and I decided to have a spontaneous date night and take advantage of our (free-win!) Jump On It for Duino Duende. Jump On It is similar to Groupon and if you share the deal and three others also buy it based on your reference you get it for free! Great deal right? We thought so!
We started our night off with a cocktail; Manhattan for me and a Gin Martini for the Hubz. For our meal we both got the Tuesday night special the Ethiopian plate, which comes in vegetarian, omni and vegan. I honestly can’t tell you everything that was on my plate but it included a split pea wat, misir wat, spicy sauce, salad, beets, kale and another item that was tasty but we have no idea what it was.
Everything was really delicious and I can’t wait to head back again for a Tuesday night date and Ethiopian food! Additionally because of our late (for us) dinner we also were able to enjoy the live music that starts at 7pm at Radio Bean (connected cafe).
After dinner we picked up some cereal and bananas for breakfast tomorrow morning and then stopped into the garden to water our plants. Now it’s time to sit back, relax and then head to bed to read a good book.
What are you reading right now? I am on the last book of The Girl With… series and I am going to need new suggestions! Let me know what I should be reading.
I have never had Ethiopian food, but I bet I’d love it! The Spaniard likes ALL ethnic food. I’m adding to our list to find in Madrid.
I haven’t read “The Girl with” books but I have heard good things. Right now I am reading In The Woods. It took a little while for me to get into it. It’s very wordy. But now I am really enjoying it.
p.s. I am aware that I just described a book as wordy.
Hopefully you know what I mean.