Gosh I’m pooped! This weekend has been crazy busy for the us between the massive load of laundry we had to do, blog updates/upgrades and visiting my parents where I had an awful nights sleep. I am about ready to pass out on the couch right now but instead I’m going to finish this post and get my workout in because I know I will regret not doing it even though i’d rather go sleep. Enjoy our weekend in photos (yes it’s all food- what can I say it was that kind of weekend).

Delicious tea at Patra

Hummus, pita chips and veggies (that tasted like onions) at Patra

Late lunch with the Hubz at The Farm House Tap & Grill

Oh and of course and afternoon brew

or two! (we both had 2 halves - so one full beer)

Sunday Breakfast Broiled Grape Fruit aka "Royal Grapefruit" (the Hubz thought I said royal when I really said BROILED so now it's Royal Grapefruit)

Yields 4 servings- mix 2T agave, 1t vanilla, 1/2t cinnamon & 1/4t ginger powder together and brush on 2 halved grapefruits- broil on high for 5-10 minutes

Breakfast Frittata with Tomato-Mushroom Gravy
Blog Updates:
Thanks to the Hubz my blog has received a facelift! In addition to a new look I also updated my ‘About Me‘ page so check it out! Stay tuned for more upgrades in the future!