Incentives Program
For our incentives program each month we have a set of goals to help us stay on top of being active as well as to track our workout progress.The incentive part of it is that at the start of each month we will each be eligible for $50* of fun money, to be paid out on the last day of the month IF we accomplish our goal. The goal:
- Work out 80% of the days in the month OR 70% of the days in the month and 1 hour for everyday missed from the 80% (example: March 80% plus Hours goal–>Must workout 25 days and Total of 15.5 hours OR 70% plus Hours goal–>Must workout 22 days and 15.5 hours PLUS 3 hours for the 3 missed from the 80% days so total of 18.5 hours)
2. Work out an average of 30 minutes per days in the month (October-May) and work out an average of 60 minutes per days in the month (June-September)**
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March Goals Review
March 2011 Goals
- Must workout 25 days
- Total of 15.5 hours
- Must workout 22 days
- Total of 18.5 hours
So far this month I am on track with the 80% however since I only have 1 off day left I may be turning to the 70% plan this month…..we’ll see. This is where I am at as of March 31, 2011:
- Days: 22/25 (70% of the days in the month)
- Hours: 18 hours 30 minutes/15.5 hours
My workouts include yoga, groove yoga, walking, elliptical, weight training and Insanity.
April Goals:
April 2011 Goals
- Must workout 24 days
- Total of 15 hours
- Must workout 21 days
- Total of 18.5 hours
- Workout goals:
- Start the C25K
- Continue with Insanity
- More Elliptical
- Try a new yoga class
- MORE yoga classes
- more 3-4 mile walks with the Hubz
- Possibly hiking (if we can find a spot that isn’t too muddy)
What are your goals for this month?
Hi! That’s a really neat working plan/incentive you’re doing – I need to reallllly get more committed to exercising consistently. I’ve been good for the past week or so, but sometimes it’s just so hard to do even the smallest things. Anyways, I’m enjoying looking through you site!