Since the holidays I have been keeping busy working on a number of new projects for the blog and my health counseling; this, on top of attempting to have a social life and work my regular job as well. I am happy to say that after this Friday things should get back to their regular pace and I will have a number of really great blog posts coming at you. For now, here is a sneak peak into what I have been working on lately:
Health Counseling
I have been working hard at completing my modules as well as taking time to market myself. I have contacted a number of businesses about doing nutrition and wellness workshops which I hope will start up in February/March. I also have been working, rather the Hubz has been working on getting my website for my health counseling business (Health and Wellness with Lindsay) up and running
My health counseling brochure:
Vegan Cookbook Club
I am proud to say that the Vegan Cookbook Club is up and running and we have an number of participants for our first book Veganomicon. The start date for Book #1 is Jaunary 16th so if you are interested in participating please contact me.
Ebook #2
I have been working hard at creating recipes for my second ebook and with the help from my really amazing and dedicated testers it should be released the first week of February; one month ahead of schedule. There will be 25-30 recipes in this e-book featuring brunch, lunch & dinner recipes for the whole family.
Cook.Vegan.Lover. Survey
I have been spending time (when I have it) to go over the results of the Cook.Vegan.Lover. Survey in preparation to write a blog post discussing the results and the improvements that you will see on Cook.Vegan.Lover. You will not be seeing any huge changes but rather I will be attempting to improve what is already here. I really appreciate the open and honest feedback from all of you because it helps me to be a better blogger.
You’ve been busy! It’s must be an exciting time for you!