1. Nicole Daniels

    I love this tote, i like the shape of it, the strap and side handles and the fact that it is environmentally friendly! what a great item

  2. I’m following you on twitter and I’m so glad I found you because I’m in Burlington, too!

    I’m so interested in what it means to be a holistic health counselor. I’m in grad school to get my masters in Social Work right now because I like the idea of looking at someone within their environment. I want to be more all encompassing than that though–I want to include physical health in my counseling approach as well because nutrition and exercise matters, too!

  3. Sheri

    I would like to win this bag because it is sturdy and shallow, giving you easy access to things inside. I would mainly use this as a book bag to cart books back and forth to the library.

  4. Thanks so much for the Envitote. I am, indeed, the envy of everyone at the grocery store checkout. Seriously, I can tell. It’s easy to carry, carries a ton of stuff, and you can even sling it over your shoulder fully packed with canned goods, etc. without feeling you’re going to fall over. Amazing.

    • cookingforaveganlover

      I know i get comments on mine all the time- it is a great bag- i love to carry my cans in it and it can hold a ton of them! enjoy!

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