Last week Kara sent me an e-mail inquiring about nutritional yeast and I’ve decided that it is a perfect question for a ‘Readers Request’. Here is her question:
When I became vegan I was clueless as to what nutritional yeast was and what to do with it. Now I am a nutritional yeast addict and my husband and I constantly joke that I should go into therapy because of it.
So what exactly is nutritional yeast?
- Nutritional Yeast is an inactive yeast that has a nutty cheesy flavor and is frequently used to make vegan cheeze sauces.
- Nutritional Yeast is low in sodium and fat and is a great source of Vitamin B-12 which can otherwise only be found in animal products.
Where can you find nutritional yeast?
- Check out your local natural food store or co-op in the bulk section. You can find it in large flakes and small; also try to find Red Star- it is my favorite brand.
- If you can’t find it in store you can go online and there are a number of vegan sites that sell it as well as online bulk shops.
How do I use it?
- It is great as a topping for popcorn or sprinkled on edamame.
- Mix a little in with your Earth Balance and garlic to make a great garlic bread spread.
- Sprinkle into a stir fry, in/on pasta dishes or in soups/stews.
- Make a great mock parmesan by pulsing 1/2 cup nutritional yeast, 1/4 cup sesame seeds and 1 teaspoon salt in your food processor and sprinkle on soups, salads and over pasta.
- Then of course there are cheeze sauces such as the one I made tonight:
- 1/2T olive oil
- 3 large cloves of garlic minced
- 10 cherry tomatoes, quartered
- 1T arrowroot (or cornstarch or potato starch)
- 1/2t Italian Seasoning
- 1/2t chili flakes
- 1/2T garlic powder
- 1/2T salt
- 1/2T black pepper
- 1 heaping tablespoon nutritional yeast
- 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or your favorite non-dairy milk)
Place garlic and oil in a cold pan and heat on low for 5 minutes; this will infuse the oil. Add in the tomatoes and turn the heat up to medium and saute for 5 minutes until the tomatoes start to soften. Stir in the spices and arrowroot until everything is mixed together. Stir in the almond milk and the nutritional yeast; bring to a boil to thicken and then turn off. If the sauce gets too thick add a little more almond milk. Serve this over pasta or your favorite veggies. I served mine over vegan ravioli and steamed broccoli.
Q: What is your favorite way to use nutritional yeast?
Yum. I love nutritional yeast. I didn’t know what it was either ’til I went vegan, and still didn’t try it out ’til I gave a Mac N Cheese recipe a go.
I add it to pasta sauces – both cheesy and tomatoey, tofu scramble, and also in tofu marinades or vegetable stirfry sauces.
A great marinade mix is a splash of balsamic vinegar, and of soy sauce, a smaller splash of maple syrup and a decent spoon of nutritional yeast. It’s my new staple marinade!
That looks like such a wonderful pasta sauce! I wouldn’t know what to do without nutritional yeast!
I love the mac & cheeze recipe I use it in, but I have yet to venture into putting it in recipes I make up. This helps put me on the right track for being adventurous!
I’ve actually never used nutritional yeast but have seen it on a lot of blogs and have been wondering about it. Thanks for the great info!
I’m a nutritional yeast addict too. I always use it in tofu scrambles, sprinkle it on salads, and I love nutritional yeast sauce (so quick, easy, simple and tasty). Otherwise, I sprinkle it on pretty much anything that needs a little kick.
Tofu scrambles are always a must! I can’t believe I left it off my list!
I’ll second nooch in tofu scrambles. It’s vital – it *makes* a tofu scramble.
Try it in savoury oatmeal: nutritional yeast, salt, pepper, beans/tofu/seitan, hot sauce – pretty much anything you’d eat with rice or any other grain. It’s surprisingly good!
Savoury Oatmeal? I must try!
I, too, have learned to LOVE nutritional yeast. ^_^ I like to sprinkle it on salad wraps for a little “cheesy” flavor. It’s also awesome on burritos and quesadillas when I don’t feel like using or am out of vegan cheese!