French Press Winner Announced:
AnAppleADay // February 26, 2010 at 4:50 PM | Reply (edit)
i definitely need this because my bf is COFFEE-lover and i would love to make him smile by giving this to him!!!
I have an exciting giveaway for you!
CSN Stores has contacted me about doing a giveaway on my blog!
Don’t worry I am not going to offer a giveaway for an item that I don’t already use and love myself. I absolutely love my Bodum Brazil French Press and I think that any coffee lover should invest in their own french press. Not only is a french press the best way to make a delicious cup of coffee it also works great for making loose tea.
Who wants to go out – pay for overpriced coffee when you can make a delicious cup at home?
I sure don’t!
Enjoy it at home!
Coffee. A Good Book. And Someone to Share It All With.
who could ask for more?
CSN has over 200 stores
where you can find everything you need,
including cookware and maybe even barstools
To enter:
- Leave a comment telling me why you need this french press in your life. {1 entry}
- You can earn an additional entry by tweeting about this giveaway & mentioning @cookveganlover {1 additional entry}
- You can earn a third entry by posting it on your blog & linking back to me {1 additional entry}
Good luck!
I’ll use to choose a winner on Friday March 5, 2010 at 6am!!
(CSN will only ship to the U.S. & Canada)
POsted giveaway:
i’m moving to california this summer and would LOVE a french press. (mainly so i don’t have to steal my parents’ =] )
I have been wanting a french press forever! Could easily bring it to the office and make fantastic coffee for us girls; no more instant junk!Require coffee to make it thru work and night school
New Restaurant: Mint « Cooking For a Vegan Lover's Blog
[…] don’t forget to enter the Bodum French Press giveaway that ends March 5, 2010 at 8am. Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)Welcome to […]
Why do I need this French Press? College student.

But I do also love a good cup of coffee!