I have been doing some cooking from Vegan Fusion World Cuisine by Mark Reinfeld , who also wrote The 30 Minute Vegan and Bo Rinaldi. This cookbook features recipes from the Blossoming Lotus Restaurants. Recipes in this book are inspired by European, Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines. This cookbook features live recipes as well as cooked just like the Blossoming Lotus Restaurants. Since I won’t be heading to Hawaii to visit Blossoming Lotus anytime soon I’m glad I can cook up their recipes at home.
I made the Radical Roasted Red Pepper Hummus which was delicious. I brought this to my work holiday potluck and served it up with some carrots and crackers. We have been feasting on the leftovers at home with pretzels. My favorite recipe however is the Conquering Lion Cashew Cheez:
This is a great cookbook! I’ve had it for a while. My favorite so far are the Nori Rolls with Almond Pate in them!!
I love that cashew cheese! I made it once for my raw day and ate it with crudites! Mark’s books (30 Min Vegan too) are sooo amazing! I love the mixture of raw and cooked recipes.