So my hubz and I went Boston to see Blondie, Pat Benatar and to our surprise The Donna’s who opened for them. We sent the afternoon lounging at our hotel pool and then decided that it was getting late and we should get ready to head out. At this point we were pretty hungry even though we had a big lunch at Le’s in Cambridge earlier. We decided that becaues of time we would go try Grasshopper again see if it would be better than the last time (last time we went back in October it was awful-well the dishes we ordered were anyways). So we tried it again and got the appetizer platter which was really good- we didn’t love the dumplings but everything else was really good. We also had the “No Name” which was really good but of course awful for you but still good and lots of it. We ended up taking half of it with us and ate it in the hotel room after the show. So Grasshopper you’ve redeemed yourself and we will be back.
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I saw that Blondie, Pat Benetar show the weekend before last! Pat Benetar rocked so hard…and Blondie was good. I’ve seen Blondie before, and I think they were better the first time. For some crazy reason, the Donnas started playing at 7 p.m. even though our tickets said the show started at 7:30, so we missed all but the last song. I’ve seen the Donnas before too though, so no biggie. Pat Benetar was definitely the highlight though.
The highlight for me was Blondie- I like Pat Benatar but I went for Blondie. The Donna’s started at like 6:45 (tickets were for 7) I think it was just to get people to go to their seats and such not really sure why they played so early either.