Fitness(less) Friday


Yes you read that right- there has been no fitness this week. Well I shouldn’t say no fitness, the Hubz and I did get out on two

1/2 mile walks which is great improvement for him.  Honestly I did not have the time or energy to workout this week. I’m not completely happy about it because I love to have my workout time and my running but when things pile up somethings got to give. I’ve been trying to keep up on the house, take care of my husband, find time to sleep and I had to go back to work for the last half of the week so fitness (and washing my hair) have taken a backseat.  Now that the Hubz is starting to improve I am planning on getting a pilates workout in today and would like to go running one day this weekend.


Half Marathon Update:

As I said in previous posts this week, we will no longer be running the Disney Half-Marathon.  It disappointing on so many levels, considering this was going to be our first half, the entry fee was ridiculous, we had just made our flights down which were non-refundable (good thing they were cheap) and it means no vacation. I’m starting to think vacation isn’t meant for us. I’m not stopping my running, I have worked too hard to get where I am and I’m not giving it up but I am going to change things up a bit.  I am not doing the 10k on October 8th because really since this week was a wash there is no way I’ll be ready to run that distance in 2 weeks.  Unfortunately there are no other 10k’s in VT this year; there is a 5k though in November which I plan to run.

Now it’s time to start thinking about a new half-marathon for us to run.  I am predicting it will take the Hubz 6 weeks after he is allowed to start running again to finally get back to where he is (he has to take a month off from ALL physical activity, except slow walking).  After the 6 weeks I’d saw we are looking at 12 weeks of training, essentially 18-20 weeks of preparation for a new half.  That being said it lands us in mid-February or later. What 1/2 marathons would you suggest? We need to consider entry costs, destination and additional expenses. 

What was the most fun race you’ve ever ran? 

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